Friday, May 22, 2020

Challenges Facing the UAE Health Care System - 849 Words

No one can deny that UAE is a young rising society and faces a lot of challenges as other young societies. Those challenges have a great impact on the country development and prosperity regarding different aspects. One of these aspects is the health care system. No doubt that these challenges do not affect UAE alone but it also have an effect on other countries all over the world. In my paper, I will specify challenges affecting the health care system in the United Arab Emirates. Let us spot the light on the development of health care system in UAE before discussing challenges. For example, The mortality rate among infants has decreased from 10.1 to 8.71 per 1000 birth child between 1995 and 2004.1 Some studies show that the leading causes of death among UAE nationals are cardiovascular diseases, accident and poisoning, tumors respectively. Therefore, chronic diseases are considered one of challenges that the country faces. Other challenges include the lack of the human resources and the health care services. Chronic disease is long term. Generally, it has no cure. This kind of disease exists from long time ago. In the last few years, it has increased sharply. There are some diseases which spread in the UAE such as diabetes hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Definitely, it has no cure, but we can reduce it effects and complications. For instance, the cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of mortality in the UAE, which are estimated by 21.24%. (Ministry ofShow MoreRelatedChallenges Faced United Arb Emirates (UAE) Health Care System681 Words   |  3 PagesUAE Health Care System Strategy To achieve anything you want it you must put strategy to how you can achieve it successfully, and thats what United Arab Emirates (UAE) health care system did. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Construction and Property Management Reflective Report Essay

Essays on Construction and Property Management Reflective Report Essay Construction and Property Management Reflective report    Writing a reflective report can only be organized if one reviews the very first lesson for the first semester that established the coverage of the whole module. For the whole semester, the topics covered well really expansive. Although I have a good background of certain topics such as business, finance, basic accounting and economics, there were still many branches of discipline in social sciences that I must be familiar with. Nevertheless, I resolved to review my notes way back high school days so I would have a good foundation. Also, I took advantage of researching in the library anticipating some topics like business management. I also looked up some construction and property management journals and articles on the Internet and wrote down some terms that I must be familiar with. As expected, I must be able to apply all my previous knowledge to the property and construction industry. Having a concrete background in finance and accounting would really be of great help. The first lecture was all about residential and commercial transactions. I believe the first lecture illustrating the difference of amount between the two transactions caught everybody in the class by surprise. The term commercial is often thought of as something with a higher value than residential especially when speaking of transactions. To my amazement, residential transactions provided the bulk simply because there are more homes needed than just office buildings. Many people even in business circles overlook this fact and fail to explore the opportunity residential property transactions represent. This got me very interested so I tried to read more about such transactions and their sources. This is not to totally discount the good opportunities behind commercial transactions but simply looking deeper at how the housing industry sector affects the whole property business. The figures moved me since I gained a lot of fresh insights and one of them is the fact that doing your homework about a certain industry can give you leverage. This is applicable especially when one is out there in the field with many competitors like in the area of sales. One must be always updated with trends and statistics surrounding the construction industry. Looking back at the beginning of the semester, the first half of the semester was very interesting since most of the topics covered were quite general in nature. The topic that I found interesting most was management. Although I didn’t have a background in management since all I am familiar with is business, I spent some time reading in the library at the very first start of the semester. Management has a very wide scope yet application of theoretical concepts are generally the same. I appreciated understanding the difference between leaders and managers and evaluated myself. I also enjoyed the different management styles and took time in knowing myself better. I took some personality tests and leadership style tests because I believe that a good manager is aware of himself. I also think that the role of managers is very important. In application to Construction and property management, a property manager is usually equipped with skills as well as information about the industry but that does not make him a complete manager. From what I have learned, a good manager must have good communication skills, interpersonal skills, negotiation skills, writing and speaking skills that can enhance his leadership. A property manager is not just confined to his desk looking at plans or schematics; rather, he is interacting with all kinds of people on a daily basis. So of one hopes to be a good property or construction manager, he must be ready to deal with people. I think some engineers, architects and technical people need to realize this fact especially nowadays when sales and marketing is part of the whole construction and property industry. Even in residential transactions, rentals of property require good communication and negotiation skills aside from just knowing the safety regulations or blueprint of the property. I n business transaction, clients are lost are gained depending on customer relationship exhibited by property managers. As time passed by, the topics touched on procurement methods. This part of the semester enhanced my skills in working with a team especially when doing group work assignment. During the procurement methods projects, I understood how vital procurement method is in project development. When the delegation of tasks was done, I immediately gave time researching the topics assigned to me. It could be said that group assignment projects should be always be done in class since students develop important team building skills that they would need someday in the field. An important aspect of group work assignments is collaboration so a project can be accomplished. Everyone must help one another because if we let down a team member, all of us would get delayed in a project. There are times when we had to disagree about methods but the leader was a good facilitator so we end up settling our differences. Time is also another issue when working on a project which all team members must realize. In large scale construction projects, tools like PERT can help engineers or managers track a project’s progress but people’s willingness to collaborate and communicate still matters a lot. Another interesting topic that made read me read a lot is marketing. As aforementioned, customer relationship skills can gain or lose customers in property management which is why marketing is very vital. Poor marketing planning can highly affect a property no matter how beautiful it maybe. It is also important to maintain a balance between finances, operations, human resources and project management. Indeed, being a property manager can be very challenging especially if one lacks experience. All the theories and concepts learned must be applied in the right situation which only experience can teach. In conclusion, the whole module is very relevant to students taking this course. I improved my researching skills, communication skills, reading skills and even presentations kills. More group work assignment should be given especially ones that would do a case study so problems can be solved. Learning has never been this enjoyable and meaningful this semester.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To Whom It May Concern Free Essays

I am writing this letter in hope of consideration to your fine academic institution.   I know there are some irregularities in my recent academic past and I hope this letter can clear some of those things up as well as reassure you that I take the responsibilities of my academic career very seriously and intend to maintain the academic standard of your institution. First, let me take the time to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to apply to your school. We will write a custom essay sample on To Whom It May Concern or any similar topic only for you Order Now    I selected your school for its proud history in our area as well as the course curriculum that you offer.   Several friends have recommended the university positively as a great place to learn and succeed so I hope too to be able to thrive there. As you may be aware, the last semester at my previous institution was rather disastrous resulting in a 1.71 overall GPA for the term.   I am quite ashamed at such a low score, however I wish to assure you that it is the result of a very tragic and unusual situation and not academic negligence. My mother fell quite ill during the term and was unable to work and I had no choice but to take more hours at work to make up the slack.   I attempted to drop my classes per my university’s instructions, however they only dropped two of the total classes I was enlisted in, and the stress and worry from the extra work and assisting my ailing mother was simply too much, resulting in such poor grades. My mother passed away earlier this summer, and it’s clichà © to say that such a death makes you re-evaluate your life, but when you find yourself within the situation it’s quite true.   I thought of all the things my mother has done for me, and all the things she will never see me accomplish that she wanted to. Her death put fire to my spirits in a way and encouraged me to re-enroll as soon as I could to finish what I started, an education my mother always wanted me to have. I know university considerations are not often about sentiment, but rather about academic rigor, commitment and honesty.   However I do feel I possess these as well and feel I will be a positive addition to your student body.   I am a US Navy veteran, having spent four years in the service of our country with pride. My time in the Navy was often met with hardship and required a will to persevere and taught me to be a stronger and more resourceful human being.   Through your institution I hope to graduate and earn my commission to continue on with my career in the US Navy. In my application I have enclosed my naval evaluations.   These are evaluations done at regular intervals that serve as a kind of report card of our service.   While I understand my last academic term may have put a bad mark on my academic history I hope the spotless record of my naval service can help to put a bit of perspective on my long-term prospects as an academic student.   Should you require any additional documentation or assistance in reading said evaluations, please let me know. In closing, again, thank you so much for the opportunity to continue my education and to make my mother and country proud.   I hope my admission to your university will be a fresh start for me on the road to my future career goals and happiness. How to cite To Whom It May Concern, Papers